Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Vanilla Cake Confessions: Attempt 1.

So as I mentioned earlier I am on a bit of a quest for the perfect white or yellow cake recipe. I am sad to say there was no breakthrough last week when I used this recipe from sweetapolita. sad face. The cake itself was dense and not especially tasty. It's highly likely that I over folded the egg whites but even so the cake just had no taste and was just as biscuit-ish as the other recipes I've tried. The cake was not prefect but it was not as much of a disappointment as the frosting. I suppose I should have read the recipe ahead of time but in any case I was not expecting a whip cream like frosting and 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract is never a good idea, never ever. It was grainy after almost 15 minutes of mixing and the whipping cream left that gross coating on the inside of my mouth and all I could taste was vanilla extract. total failure. I'm thinking of trying some kind of swiss meringue buttercream next time and maybe a yellow cake. 

The cake did not turn out spectacularly but I did have some fun with some fondant decoration. I also learned I do not have a future in food photography so bear with me.

fondant daisy-ish flowers made with wilton cutters, next time I think I'll try making one that looks more like a daisy.

I tried out my butterfly cutters too, even though I didn't really have a plan for them.

I'm a bit of a sucker for pink icing and originally planed on leaving some out to make yellow dots in the center of the daisies but I was in a rush to finish before my date and completely forgot.

The design for the top looked better on my cutting board but I really love the swag motif.

more to come!

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